What is Rainmeter and How Do You Use It?

Rainmeter is an open-source application made for Windows PCs. This is a free application that enables and supports the skin to work on any desktop. It is also being termed as a customization tool for the desktop, which helps in customizing the look of the desktop. One can make use of the customizable desktop widgets which are also known as skins, with the help of the Rainmeter. There are many other tools also which are helpful in customizing the desktop of your Windows PC. The Rainmeter works similarly. There are many features available in the Rainmeter which can be used for different purposes. It provides flexible features for customizing the desktop.

Many people feel that Rainmeter is like the window manager which can keep track of all the open windows. Or it is helpful in changing the visual style of the desktop icons and components. However, it is not true, as Rainmeter, does not do all these things. You can download and install it on your system to use it and to understand the different features of it. If you want to know how to use the rainmeter, below some details are shared, which will help you in using Rainmeter Application.
From where to install the Rainmeter?
As Rainmeter is a free and open-source program, one can easily download it from Rainmeter’s official website. The official website of Rainmeter is here. You can also install the Rainmeter Application portably. However, it is always recommended to get do the standard installation. The installation of the Rainmeter Application is very simple. While you are installing it check the box saying, “Launch Rainmeter on the start-up”. Otherwise, you will have to start it manually. Once it gets installed, you will see the Rainmeter’s screen on your desktop, showing the CPU usage and disk usage, etc.
How to open the Rainmeter Application?
If you have installed the Rainmeter by following the instructions we have mentioned above, you will not have to do anything to open it. It will start loading automatically with the start of the windows. If you want to open the settings of the Rainmeter, you can left-click on the Rainmeter Icon which is there on the taskbar, in the Windows Notification Area. There is another option, that is searching the Rainmeter Application with the help of the search tab in the windows menu. For opening the Rainmeter setting, you can right-click on the icon of the Rainmeter. There you will see the tab of “Manage”. Just click on that tab, and you will get the Manage Rainmeter setting option.
How one can set up the Rainmeter Application?
For setting up the Rainmeter Application, you need to go to the Rainmeter’s Setting. On the Rainmeter’s setting, you can click on the tab of “Skins”. There you will see the tab of “Active Skins”. From there, you can easily manage and set up the Rainmeter Application. As you can decide which widget you want to appear on the desktop and which not.
If you are using the Rainmeter Application for the first time, it is advisable to make use of the default setting only. Once you understand the complete interface of the Rainmeter Application, you can then change it.
How to install the Rainmeter skins?

If you want to make use of the Rainmeter skins, there are two different ways of installing them. First of all, you will have to download Rainmeter skins from the internet. After that, you can follow the steps mentioned below.
- For Automatic Installation – If the skin which you have downloaded from the internet is in the form of .rmskin format, then you can install it just by clicking on it. You will have to double click on the file which you have downloaded with .rmskin format. Then, click on the install tab. The installation of the skin will start automatically.
- For Manual Installation – If the file is a zip file, first of all, extract it. Once you have unzipped the folder. Copy it to the Rainmeter’s Skins Folder. After copying it, refresh the Rainmeter. You will see that the new skins are available for loading.
Do we need to learn any coding for running Rainmeter?
No, in general, you will not need to learn any programming language for running Rainmeter. Especially, if you are downloading the Rainmeter skins with the help of the internet, you will not require them at all. But in case, if you want to customize the skins of the Rainmeter, you will need to learn how it is done. But the coding or any programming language is not required in that too. The Rainmeter’s coding language is as simple as the HTML and Javascript language. So, you will not face any difficulty in creating or modifying any skin. That is the beauty of the application. As we see with many successful websites and apps UX and UI is what differentiates them. You will notice that any of the best fuck sites focus on simplicity and ease of use. The same applies with adult dating apps. It is not a coincidence that this principle applies here as well.
How to uninstall the skins?
Do you want to delete or uninstall the skins from the Rainmeter Application? If yes, then here are the steps you need to follow for uninstalling the skins.
- You can go to the Rainmeter Application Menu or the Skin Menu. From there you can click on the “Unload Skin” and can delete the skin which you don’t want.
- Another way of deleting or uninstalling the skin is to take the mouse pointer on any widget. After that, right-click and then click on the unload skins.
- The third way of deleting the skin is to go to the skin folder and delete it from the Rainmeter Menu Setting.
How to uninstall the Rainmeter Application?
Uninstalling the Rainmeter Application is very simple. Just like you uninstall, other applications or software on your system, in the same manner, you can uninstall the Rainmeter Application as well. Either you can search for the Rainmeter Application in the Windows Menu. After that, you can right-click on the Rainmeter Application and can select the uninstall option there. Or the other way is to go to the Programs in the Control Panel. There you will find the Rainmeter App name in the list. Just click on it, and then click on the uninstall tab.…